Monday, January 19, 2009


I feel the urge to update everyone on one of the greatest things that I have witnessed in my life.
(Lezley, Nathaly, Mariana, and I had a good hard laugh..)

First I will start with a side note. Two nights ago, Emily (the girl pictured with Kendra and me in the post below) was facebook stalking a boy from the gym* who, at the time, didn't know of her existence. Kendra and I were glancing over her shoulder at this new boy crush of Emily's... when all of a sudden, Kendra tackled Emily to the floor and screamed at me to hit the "Add as Friend" button. So naturally, I did what she said. -- Emily was mortified. Wait, she was beyond mortified. She was even more mortified when Kendra posted on Emily's wall "Emily Bedenbaugh is now friends with Frederick Gerber*". When Frederick accepted her friend request the next day, he most definitely saw that post. Emily didn't know Kendra posted this, so she didn't delete it. It existed on her facebook page for a loooong time. -- when Emily logged onto facebook, she was mortified again.


Tonight I was sitting at home with Gilbert reading a book and catching up on some homework...I wasn't expecting Kendra to come home until 3 or 4 a.m., so when she came strolling in way earlier than I expected, I was very interested to hear about her night with this dude Gorlock Sanchez**. Kendra was informing me of the events of her evening, and to make a long story short, she discovered that Gorlock Sanchez used to play some serious baseball. We decided to google Gorlock Sanchez and see what popped up.. and sure enough, Gorlock Sanchez was a durn good baseball player. (we don't know much about baseball but we were very impressed). sooooo... we came across a fan forum titled "Gorlock Sanchez's Girlfriend"... so we clicked on it. It was asking if Gorlock Sanchez was married, single, who he was dating, if he was a good guy... etc etc.

Here's the good part.

Kendra decided to actually write on the fan forum completeley joking around... because it was funny, right? She typed something to the effect of "I just watched a movie with Gorlock Sanchez after we went to church : )" ......... I didn't actually think she was going to hit submit. but she did. and then..

here's the really good part...

she realized the forum wasn't really that old. The last post was from a month ago. Yeah. So... immediately she decided she better delete that. Welp, to delete one must be a member of this baseball fanatic (aka girls who are in love with baseball players) website. So Kendra subscribed. $9.00 later it said you must upgrade your membership to delete... sooo.... Kendra updated her bronze membership to premium status by skipping silver and going straight to gold. $29.00 later in addition to the $9.00 she already spent, she noticed that she posted the comment anonymously and therefore cannot delete it.


It is very obvious who posted this because right above the "anonymous" comment is the date and time, and we are sure Gorlock Sanchez knows what he did tonight.

Welp, it gets better... still.

After Kendra realized this is permantely attached to the world wide web of baseball fanatics, she thought the best way out was to just tell Gorlock Sanchez about the event. She called him and laughed nervously for about an hour, repeating words like...

"Ok, I don't know how to say this"
"Ok, I am just going to say it"
"But I just don't want you to think I am a freak"

...after a long explanation of how Kendra came immediately home and googled this dude, and then paid $38.00 to remove this post off the fanatic website.... that is still there by the way... relief came when he laughed and was understanding and felt bad that she wasted her money.

and that, ladies and gents, is one of Kendra's most embarassing moments.

But Kendra is not the only one who feels stupid, because last night when we went out with Gorlock Sanchez and the nephew of Chateau Tivoli, I began talking about how I think baseball is the most boring sport ever. So yeah, who's dumb now.

**name is changed for the protection of the identity of this individual


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