Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I have a dream...that one day Gilbert will be a better kitten.

After receiving some advice from my dear friend Vickie-toria, I am renaming Gilbert. His new and improved name will be MARTIN LUTHER KING, Jr. Her theory is that the misbehaving kitty problem lies in the name. If we had named Gilbert after someone more peaceful, like Gandhi or Martin Luther King Jr., then Gilbert would have been a better behaved little man. I figure it's never too late for change, so I am going to start calling him Martin Luther King, Jr. Kendra will probably still be calling him Gilbert after Gilbert Grape, and that's cool. But I want to see if Vickie has anything going with this theory of hers.


1 comment:

  1. oh thanks for taking my advice! also when he's being rowdy and rambunctious you should hold him and tap lightly between his works for me when i'm freaking out! and also lobsters haha
