Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Heather Can't Do Right.

Mary Caroline couldn't do right last Friday. Merridith couldn't do right last Saturday. And I sure couldn't do right today. But Kendra is amazing and wrote me a poem. It goes a little something like this:

oh crappy it’s poem time
heathers had such a bad day so lets bust out the rhymes

all day long i’ve watched your premanent smile disappear
and I want so bad to take away those yucky tears

you see your face wasn’t made for frowning around
and the few times that you do I want to turn it upside down

if i could, tonight, while the world is asleep
i’d sneak into scad and act like a creep

i’d go into admissions and hack into computers
and approve heather smith for typography I a little sooner

but i’m not that smooth and i’d like to graduate sometime
and i don’t know if I want to commit a crime

so other ways to make you smile i guess will have to do
which is what this poem is intended to do

you see heather smith we are attached so much we are practically one
and when you are sad my bright day doesn’t have a sun

so what i’ll do is tell you this
that scad sometimes sucks like a big fat tick

but thank the lord above we have each other
to get through the times when scad is a bummer

just know that today and always and forever i’ll say
"you are my center when I spin away"

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