sorry I haven't posted in like a month ... heather is better at this blogging thing than me. and I know you missed my face so I posted a picture of it. I also posted my two loves who are currently asleep in the bed next to mine... so sweet. Look at Gilberts head chillin on Heather's phone, ha!
I am currently writing you from the comfort of my bed. I have been in bed for the past 4 fours. This is unheard of around here. I have slept very, very little lately because of poor prioritization with my social life. You see Friday night Heath and I stayed up talking really late and then had to wake up at 6:20 to take the Newells to the airport = 4 hrs of sleep. Saturday night we stayed up late with our cool new roomie Merrrr... = 4 hrs of sleep (because of Waumba land at 8:30am) Sunday night... same story... = 6 hrs of sleep. and last night 6 hours as well. Ladies and Gents that is 20 hours of sleep in 4 days, I am missing 14 to make the standard.... it is all because of SCAD and (to be honest) the amazing friends I have. We just all hang out all the time and I really need to prioritize my time better. But, I also came to the conclusion during all this that the secret of life is staying up late with friends and waking up early with friends. Heather and I were pretty tired all day Saturday at our Ambassador event at the school, but we endured together. So, a word from me, don't be a lame-o and go to bed early all the time, especially when friends are going to hang out, go hang out and get over it... you can sleep when you get old.
Also, I want to take a moment to acknowledge Heather.... she graciously wakes me up every morning. If it were not for her I would have missed many important events over the last few days... and those events include a presentation with the CEO of Pope & Land in Buckhead. Therefore, I am in debt to her kindness.
So, that is why I have been in bed all day. The 3 hour meeting was this morning and I couldn't be happier it is over. So the agenda for the evening is sushi with Heather to treat myself for all the hard work with this presentation and to treat Heather for being my personal alarm clock.
Life is really good. I want to say I am so happy, but happy isn't the right word... I am joyful. I am full of joy. And Heath is too... and Gilbert is too... and we are just a joyful family. — this is the other secret to life, stay around people who fill you with joy and bring out the best in you.
Also, it snowed today... and it is April.
wow martin luther king jr is getting really big