Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Dear MC Hammer,

Hopefully this letter will help you through your week with Gilbert. I don't think we need to warn you that he is a punk, so prepare yourself. If he gets too out of control, we like to open the door to our "balcony" because it gives him hope for a brighter future involving freedom beyond our apartment. Once he tires of that after, give or take, five minutes, and he is still psycho, he may need some alone time in his "room". Just put his water in there and keep the lights on and maybe give him a toy. He likes to eat a lot, but we try to limit it to three times a day. Just throw some dry food in his bowl and give him fresh water. If you are feeling kind, give him some of that delicious canned stuff in the pantry..only like 1/3 at a time though. It's probably a good idea to keep the doors to all of the rooms closed except for his room while you are gone. He has a tendency to cause a lot of destruction when the opportune moment arises. Also, be aware of what you are keeping on the counters, because he may, and WILL, eat that or destroy it too. Other than that make yourself at home. Feel free to rearrange whatever you like. We would love a good surprise when we return from Chicago. Just make sure whatever you do still looks nice for the family that is coming into town for graduation in a couple of weeks. We love you and you are awesome for doing this! Eat anything that you want, especially if it is going bad. And be sure to blog about your adventures in the apartment with your special bonding time with Gilbert!

Kendra & Heather

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